couples holiday wellness hotel in the zillertal

Tuxerhof Friends Club

Reap the rewards of loyalty

Many of our guests tell us how much they enjoyed their stay at the Tuxerhof. That is great for us to hear and gives us fresh motivation to do everything we can to make sure everyone has such a positive experience.

Over the years, many regular guests have become personal friends. That is why we decided to create the Tuxerhof Friends Club to reward the loyalty of the guests who come back to see us year after year. Scroll down to see the many benefits offered to members of the club. It's our own little way of saying 'thank you'.

"We can only truly relax in a place where we feel at home."
Premium membership

From your first stay

  • Extend your holiday: late check-out with wellness & afternoon buffet (without room) on the day of departure
  • Shopping bonus: € 5 shop voucher from a purchase value of € 50 & 10 % bonus in the Insider Sportshop
  • Make friends happy: € 50 hotel voucher for your recommendation

3–9 stays

  • Make the most of the first day of your holiday: gourmet breakfast included on the day of arrival
  • Extend your holiday: late check-out with wellness & afternoon buffet (without room) on the day of departure
  • Enjoy time for two: 1 room service per stay included
  • Shopping bonus: The Tuxerhof feeling to take home: 5% bonus in the shop
  • 5% bonus on SPA products for home
  • 10% bonus in the Insider Sportshop
  • Make friends happy: € 50 hotel voucher for your recommendation

10 stays and more

  • You have priority: on the waiting list your request and booking will be prioritised, we give priority to your room & table requests
  • Reservations without deposit
  • The Tuxerhof feeling to take home: 10% bonus in the shop
  • 10% bonus on spa products to use at home
  • 10% bonus in the Insider Sportshop
  • Exclusive FRIENDS Club weeks with great offers
  • News in the morning: newspaper on request at the breakfast table
Wall of Fame

Welcoming guests since 1930

It is an honour and a pleasure to welcome back guests who have spent their holidays with us dozens of times.

To give them the recognition they deserve, we have come up with a Wall of Fame in the foyer with the names of people who have stayed here at the Tuxerhof at least ten times.

In fact, there are some people who have been here an incredible 60 times. Thank you!

Shall we be friends? 

Join the Tuxerhof Friends Club!

Regular visitors to the Tuxerhof can look forward to many benefits such as spa vouchers, late check-out, room upgrades and much more.


After sending the contact form, the personal data you have entered will be processed by the person responsible for data protection for the purpose of processing your request on the basis of your consent given by sending the form. Learn more
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